Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Made to Crave

I want to share something with you all that I read in my Made to Crave devotional. I don’t know about you but I like food. I like to try different kinds of food. I don’t really eat a lot of sweets but I do eat a lot of starches. I eat when I’m happy and I eat when I’m sad. I eat when I’m bored. I eat when I’m stressed. Sometimes I go hours and hours without eating because I get busy doing other things and just never stop to eat. Anyways very rarely do I ever just eat for sustenance which is what God intended. I am trying to change the way I think about food in general. I am not buying junk and I eat what we have. This was in the chapter I read today.

Can you recall specific situations in which you turned to food for these reasons?
· Comfort
· Reward
· Joy
· Stress
· Sadness
· Happiness
I had to get honest enough to admit it: I relied on food more than I relied on God. I craved food more than I craved God. Food was my comfort. Food was my reward. Food was my joy. Food was what I turned to in times of stress, sadness, and even in times of happiness. Is it possible that we love and rely on food more than we love and rely on God?
So this got me to thinking about times that I do this. I’ve done this for years. When the kids made good grades we all went out to eat. When I am stressed I eat cheese and crackers or popcorn. When I am sad I’ll make a comfort food like pasta. When I’m sick we have something laden with fat or butter like potato soup and cornbread. I’m not saying that celebrations shouldn’t involve a special meal but in most if not all of these situations shouldn’t we go to God before we go to food. I know I’ve been guilty and prayer was the furthest thing from my mind. This book says when you start craving something unhealthy that you should pray because usually you are going through something that you need God for so instead of reaching for what you are craving you should reach for God. I know this may sound a little different to some but can you imagine how much some of us would be praying and you know we all need to pray more! The best thing about this book is that it isn’t about the weight. It’s about making sure that food is not your idol. Instead of craving food we should crave God!



1 comment:

Shantay said...

This is so true. Often times we don't even think about the types of foods we are eating or WHY we are eating at that moment. I look forward to more breakthroughs with this OBS and with you! Take care, sister!!!